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And the final donation is to Sea Shepard

Kim Ahrens

I am delighted to give the final annual donation by Epiphany Accounting Solutions Ltd to Sea Shepard NZ.

They work tirelessly out in the waters all around the world defending all forms of marine life from destructive commercial practices. If they don't do this then who will? It takes an organisation with a lot of might and resources to be where the problems are, take a stand and emerge victorious.

In New Zealand Sea Shepard has started their first dolphin protection programme for the endangered NZ Hector Dolphins. Anyone who has ever been close to a dolphin knows that they are pure JOY.

Here is something of what they have to say;

"Operation Pahu will see Sea Shepherd New Zealand use their vessel the 'Loki' to patrol the south-eastern coast of New Zealand's South Island to assist in the protection of hector's dolphins from IUU fishing. "

"How IUU Fishing Affects Hector's Dolphins

The greatest threat to hector's dolphins comes from fishing practices that utilise gill nets or trawling for their catch. In 2016, a leaked Government report, 'Operation Achilles', revealed that vessels operating within the inshore fisheries region were dumping 20 to 100 percent of their catch during every haul, highlighting the indiscriminate nature of current fishing practices in New Zealand. Along with this, it was shown that dolphins were regularly being caught and killed, without being reported. With such low population numbers, this type of reckless fishing is disastrous for the endemic New Zealand hector's dolphins."

I am sure they would love to receive a wee donation from you, if that feels right.

Remember to keep your receipt for tax deduction. You can load this up with IRD straight away, no need to wait until the end of the tax year.

See here for instructions



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36 Maritime Terrace
Birkenhead 0626

Epiphany accounting solutions auckland for small business
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