Wage Subsidy applications open today at 9am for the second 2 weeks of lock-down at level 3 and 4.
When you can apply?
You can apply for the second round of wage subsidies 14 days after your first submission.
If you are uncertain about the date you applied, I have received letters from IRD already advising me that my clients who applied on the first day applications opened can apply from today. So look out for that letter in your email box.
The same criteria applies. Read the declaration carefully and ensure you understand what you are agreeing to and that you met the criteria. If you have had any income coming into your business over lock-down double check you still qualify.
Free 15 min consultation. We all need help at times. If you would like help with this please contact Kim Ahrens at info@epiphanyaccountingsolutions.co.nz
Stay safe and well everyone.
